The PPP has always embraced a working class ideology

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) salutes the entire membership and supporters of the party on the occasion of its 65th anniversary.

As is popular knowledge, the PPP was formed on January 1, 1950 with Dr Cheddi Jagan and his wife Janet as founder leaders. This makes the PPP/C not only the oldest but also the largest and most respected political party in the country.

The PPP/C is proud of the role it has played in the granting of internal self Government and subsequently in the struggle for political independence to the then colony of British Guyana after over 150 years of British colonial rule.

The records will show that it was the PPP that led the struggle for universal adult suffrage and other constitutional advances, including the current ministerial system of Government.

From its very inception, the PPP embraced a working class ideology and have never shifted course despite the several attempts by foreign vested interests in collaboration with local reactionary elements to destroy the party.

Regrettably, the party suffered a major blow in 1955 when Forbes Burnham and a group of opportunists broke away from the PPP and formed their own party, but the party displayed remarkable resilience to emerge even stronger, winning all subsequent elections until it was engineered out of office through the intrigues and machinations of vested interests in the 1964 elections.

The PPP/C is on record as the only political party in Guyana that has never lost free and fair elections. It was kept out of office for close to three decades through a combination of force and fraud unleashed by the PNC regime, but like a phoenix it once again re-emerged from the ashes to win a resounding victory in the elections of October 1992 which brought an end to 28 years of authoritarian rule.

Today, the PPP/C is again in the driver’s seat leading the struggle for a democratic, free and prosperous Guyana. As in the past, dark forces are again ganging up to destabilize the PPP/C and the PPP/C Government and to thwart the country’s forward march.

The PPP/C is confident that like in the past these forces will be defeated and the party will again emerge stronger and victorious.

The PPP/C takes this opportunity to thank all the people of Guyana for the support it received and continue to receive and looks forward for their continuing support at this critical period in our political history.

The PPP/C pledges to continue to work hard to create a just and prosperous Guyana where every Guyanese, regardless of race, religion or creed would be provided with the opportunity to realize their full potential and benefit from the economic and social gains that the country has to offer.


Freedom House

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